Computer Science, Technical writer, Engineering writer
In case you are keen on technological progress, consider it to be the driving force of future development and your expertise area coinsides with Computer Science, Technology or Engineering, you are always welcome on!
We offer you to combine your passion with a real possibility to gain good money.
The mentioned areas are extremely in demand nowadays.
Thus, they are most well-paid!
Sign Up right now, choose a topic of your interest, enjoy writing with us and get the revenue of it!

Success story

What I started as a part time job quickly became great career and one of my greatest opportunities to grow and develop. Thanks to open and direct communication from team, my achievements in the research and writing career have surpassed my expectations... read more
Cornelius, 2 years experience

Science writing jobs
Writing for computer science might seem like one of the more tedious and technical things in the universe, but it can actually be a satisfying career path. Computer science is a very popular career path. Thus science writing jobs are in high demand. You may want to know how to become a science writer. Look no further. We have several freelance science writer positions available right now, with pay that is totally commensurate to the quality of your work and the satisfaction that it renders. Drop us a line if you’re interested.
Technology writer
There are already tons of technology magazines in print, staffed by thousands of technology writers. In the public, there is a huge interest in technology writing. It's been this way for quite a long time now. Technology writing can be a lucrative career, and scores of wannabes aspire to be one someday. If you're one of these aspirants, you are probably wondering what you can do in order to get experience and set yourself apart from the pack. Perhaps you should look at one of our freelance jobs here. Hundreds of jobs are available all the time. Pick one up today, and get on the path to becoming a technology writer.
Engineering writer
If you're looking for a guide to writing as an engineer, you're not going to find it. As with all specialized professional writing, engineering writing requires an intimate knowledge of the subject. An engineering writer writing engineering articles must be very passionate about whatever branch of the iron ring circus they seek to represent. If you feel like you have what it takes to produce high quality engineering articles, contact us today.